Tuesday, October 23, 2012


The masterpiece I chose is titled "Judith" and it is by Jan Sanders van Hemessen. It was created in the year 1540 in the Netherlands. Some background information on the painting is that Judith was a biblical heroine. She saved the Jewish people from the armies of Assyrian general Holofernes. She was a widow who cut off the head of the drunken general after willingly entering his camp. She was viewed as a model of civic virtue in the Renaissance. I feel like Jan's interpretation of Judith as a powerful woman is the reason why I chose this as my masterpiece.

Craft: This was created using oil on panel.

Concept: This is Judith, a biblical heroine after she beheaded general Holofernes.

Composition: This image was created using bright lights and heavy shadows, basically a big contrast. The first thing you see is Judith because the light is reflecting off of her nude body. It is the brightest part of the entire image. She is also in the center of the image and takes up almost the entire frame. The second thing you notice is the head of the general laying in the lower left hand corner. Due to the shadows, you can only see his head and face. The final thing you see is a very dark black background. Due to the dark background, the viewer is able to focus on Judith inevitably, followed by the general due his position in the lower left corner.

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