Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 2-Line Drawing

I am going to discuss the first picture from this week's class. I will describe it's craft, concept, and composition.

Craft- My picture was made using an iPod app called Brushes. I used my index finger to create the image. I used different variations of hue and line thickness and overlapped many of my lines. I went from a light pink hue to a medium pink hue and then finished the tree in the background off with a dark pink. I started the street lamp with a light grey, then used a medium grey, and then went to black to finish it off.

Concept- My image is of a tree and a street lamp. I sketched these two objects in order to apply different line concepts and variations to them (in nature).

Composition- I want my audience to see the black street lamp first, and then the pink tree in the background, and lastly all of the random black thin lines behind the tree. In order to make this happen I put the lamp close to the center of the page and used black thick lines to make it stand out. I used a dark pink for the tree and started the trunk on the bottom left side of the page and carried the branches over to the upper right corner to bring the eyes across the page. Lastly, the lines in the background are very thin, black lines that are all different shapes, therefore making it difficult to focus on only one section and basically being the very last thing the audience will see in the image.

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