Sunday, September 23, 2012

Week 6-Self Portrait

Craft: I used the iPad app Brushes, the iPad camera, and a spotlight to create this image. I used different hues of green and multiple layers to bring out the lights and darks of the picture. I started with the left side of my face and then worked my way into the right side and then into my hair and finally, my shirt. I used different angles of brush strokes, different hues, and a black background to bring out the entire drawing.

Concept: This is an image of myself in which I tried to showcase shadow & light photography on a human instead of an object. 

Composition:  The first thing I want my audience to see is the light part of my face. This is why I used the lightest hue of green there and spent a lot of time on the eye to help focus my audience on it. The second thing I want my audience to see is the darker side of my face. I accomplished this my gradually fading my hue of green from light green to dark green. This helps carry my audiences' eyes across the picture. The final thing I want my audience to see is the black background. I covered the entire image with it and it is what helps to frame the image of myself in the center of the picture.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Week 4- Tracing

Craft: This image was made on an iPad using the app Brushes. I needed to use multiple layers to achieve my final product. I also used different hues of blue in order to get the shadowing just right. I started with the cup and then worked my way into the shadow and then the background. I used different angles of brush strokes, different hues, and a black background to bring out the entire drawing.

Concept: It is a Starbucks coffee mug on a table. I drew this as a way to show how to effectively use the shadow technique we learned in class.

Composition: What I want people to see first is the coffee mug itself. This is why I left the logo out of the front of the cup and let the space remain black. It is one of the darkest parts of my drawing and the eye is drawn to it. Also, the lines are going in all different directions which carry the eye along the grooves of the mug. The second thing I want people to see is the shadow of the coffee mug. It is the second darkest part of my drawing, and I feel that it's irregular shape and the fact that it takes up about half of the picture are exactly why people will see it after the coffee mug. The final thing I want people to see is the background (the table). It is all basically one hue of blue and the lines are all in the same direction.

^above is unfinished but I still posted it

Week 2-Line Drawing

I am going to discuss the first picture from this week's class. I will describe it's craft, concept, and composition.

Craft- My picture was made using an iPod app called Brushes. I used my index finger to create the image. I used different variations of hue and line thickness and overlapped many of my lines. I went from a light pink hue to a medium pink hue and then finished the tree in the background off with a dark pink. I started the street lamp with a light grey, then used a medium grey, and then went to black to finish it off.

Concept- My image is of a tree and a street lamp. I sketched these two objects in order to apply different line concepts and variations to them (in nature).

Composition- I want my audience to see the black street lamp first, and then the pink tree in the background, and lastly all of the random black thin lines behind the tree. In order to make this happen I put the lamp close to the center of the page and used black thick lines to make it stand out. I used a dark pink for the tree and started the trunk on the bottom left side of the page and carried the branches over to the upper right corner to bring the eyes across the page. Lastly, the lines in the background are very thin, black lines that are all different shapes, therefore making it difficult to focus on only one section and basically being the very last thing the audience will see in the image.